Abandoned but Not Crushed and Finding Joy Again

I've heard these words about all my life, maybe you accept also, from well-pregnant friends during difficult times. "It'south OK, things will get better presently, this besides shall pass…"And while at that place's nothing wrong with an encouraging word when one is struggling, some of u.s.a. have believed that many popular phrases passed downwards through time are straight from the Bible. Only it's not always true. "This too shall pass," is simply non there. Maybe some of you are searching now. But what we tin notice in all our searching through the Word are the many things God does tell united states near our suffering and hard times. Nosotros all face them at one point or another in life, and many of u.s.a. may even detect ourselves there correct now.

The bully news is this: God never leaves us to fend for ourselves in difficult times. He promises to be with u.s. in all that we confront, and His whole heart encompasses our pain, surrounds usa in peace, and gives the states incredible hope and grace to continue pressing through.

Origin of "This Besides Shall Pass"

Hither'southward what the Bible says about what is lasting and where this common phrase may have originally come up from:

"The world is passing away, and also its lusts; simply the 1 who does the will of God lives forever," one John ii:17.

"Sky and globe will laissez passer away, but My words will not pass away," Matthew 24:35.

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come," ii Corinthians 5:17.

God is eternal, and His words stand firm forever. All of us, every bit believers, are promised eternal life with Him, we are redeemed, made new, the old is gone. And in the midst of our most trying and painful times, these are the truths that give us promise and forcefulness for the days ahead.

7 things God says nigh our suffering, and the hope information technology gives usa in hard times:

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sunrise over grassy wheat field, renewed every day this too shall pass

i. We are being renewed solar day past 24-hour interval, nosotros take an eternal hope.

"Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed 24-hour interval by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for the states an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal," two Corinthians 4:xvi-18.

Equally believers in Christ, we tin concur fast to this promise. We have an eternal destiny through Him. And God will never waste matter the hurting we may confront in this life. He will plough it around for good. Every battle. Every difficult place. Every night time. Every painful storm. He will never let united states of america to walk through deep struggle without allowing it to bring greater hope and purpose, both in our own lives and through our identify in this world. Every mark of darkness is redeemed when we're in Christ. Every crushing trial will be pushed back so we tin alive free. Information technology's what He does all-time. He brings beauty and forcefulness, promise and goodness from every difficult journey and broken day. Our past volition not ascertain us. The trial itself will not label us. We are only defined by our Lord who lifts the states out of the deep, who brings united states of america through the burn, who takes u.s. direct out of the darkness into greater purpose and blessing up ahead. Restored. Redeemed. Renewed.

Salvage this free PDF for encouragement - Hope in the Waiting: A 15 Solar day Prayer Guide for Trusting God

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woman relaxing at peace on couch, peace in christ because this too shall pass

ii. We have victory and peace through Christ.

"I️ have told you these things, so that in me yous may have peace. In this globe you lot will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the globe," John 16:33.

God reminds us there will be trouble in this world, and we can surely await it, but He's already overcome it all. He's already victorious. And that same power works in u.s.a. today, giving us the courage and strength we need to persevere and overcome. True and lasting peace tin can never be found anywhere in this world just through Him. People will seek for it everywhere, in money, in possessions, in popularity, in success, even in other people. But when troubles striking, these things will never last, they're never intended to go us through our most trying days. Only in Christ, exercise nosotros find the peace and power we demand to ascension above the darkest times.

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Hands holding in comfort, this too shall pass

3. Nosotros are comforted through Christ and are able to comfort others.

"Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that nosotros tin can comfort those in any trouble with the condolement we ourselves receive from God. For only as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ," 2 Corinthians i:4-5.

Unless we experience difficulty and suffering in this life, nosotros can't truly help some other soul who faces loss and pain. Information technology'south only through our ain pain and grief, or hardship, that we tin can have a fuller agreement of what others walk through besides. In that location's cracking comfort in knowing that God will utilise what we have experienced, no matter how difficult, to help someone else. Christ Himself suffered and was tempted in "all things," and then we can be assured that He truly understands all that we walk through in this life. This world can be a difficult place, the darkness can feel heavy for and so many, we badly demand those who are willing to notice the suffering around them and reach out with the pity and grace of Jesus. That's not ever pop in a society that boasts of material riches, "selfie" ways, and easy living. Simply using our own difficult times to help another soul is i of the well-nigh powerful ways to leave a mark for Christ in this world.

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Hand on a rainy window, trials lead to learning, this too shall pass

4. Nosotros learn greater perseverance, strength, and endurance through suffering.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because yous know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance," James 1:2-3.

No ane wishes for difficult times in life. No i asks for suffering or storms. No 1 longs to wade through deep rivers of hurt, rejection, and hurting, or to try to find your manner out of the darkness of defoliation and incertitude. Yet if we've lived long enough, nosotros know that this is all a part of life. Perchance that's why God reminds over and over in His discussion that trials are a part of our journey. Information technology's what makes u.s. stronger, gives united states of america endurance, builds our faith.

Throughout his word, God tells us to choose joy in whatever we face, confident that He is working fifty-fifty through every trial and hard place, to bring united states greater perseverance. We never gain greater strength and spiritual muscles simply by living an "easy" life. We can only build deeper organized religion past walking through the hard times that printing us more than closely into His Presence. Every biblical hero through the pages of the Word were tested and strengthened, not through elementary, easy times, but through bang-up times of suffering and difficulty. This should requite us promise fifty-fifty today, that God knows our mode, and the testing of our faith will produce endurance. Information technology'due south for far greater purposes than we may fifty-fifty realize.

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man smiling hands over heart peace and joy, this too shall pass

five. Suffering reminds us where true joy and lasting hope are found.

"Beloved, do non be surprised at the fiery ordeal among y'all, which comes upon y'all for your testing, equally though some foreign thing were happening to you lot; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing…" 1 Peter 4:12-13.

God tells us not to be surprised at the troubles nosotros face, just to "proceed on rejoicing." And I've needed to let that sink deep again, even in recent times.

"Go on on rejoicing."

It's a choice. And information technology tin can be a very hard i when facing great loss, suffering, and the pressure of hard places. But truly, information technology'southward the but mode to live costless. When we choose to rejoice, not being thankful "for" the hard times, but "in" the hard times, we are pushing dorsum on enemy ground. The devil would dearest naught else merely to defeat u.s.a. in despair, to stop united states of america in our tracks. Merely when we're choosing non to allow our circumstances and feelings to get in the way of what we know to be true, that'due south powerful and life-irresolute. And we know this: Christ suffered greatly on our behalf, and to share in his sufferings and call up that nosotros are victorious through him, is all the reason nosotros need to keep looking forwards with hope and joy in the days still ahead.

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woman with lit up brainwaves, god's power inside us

vi. His power works within us.

"But nosotros have this treasure in jars of dirt to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, simply not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, just not destroyed," 2 Corinthians 4:7-9.

One of the most miraculous reminders of God's constant and loving intendance over us everyday is this: He'due south given us the spirit of his very presence. He's with us, continually. Though we may forget, he never does. He fights for u.s.a.. He carries us. He strengthens the states. He protects us. He covers u.s.. He leads us. All this, and we may non even be aware at times if the incredible means he is working even inside our greatest times of need. Be bodacious, if you're hurting today, God has not forgotten you. He sees the hurting you've carried, he offers you the peace and security of his very presence rising up within you. Don't ever feel similar you've got to confront things on your own. As believers, we have "this treasure" inside us, and we will not be crushed! No corporeality of suffering we may suffer tin can hold that ability over us. When nosotros belong to Jesus, He is greater than all we face.

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gold, trials refine us like gold this too shall pass

7. When it passes, we will come up out equally gold.

"But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold," Job 23:ten.

Greatest dazzler is often formed in the darkest of places. That'due south how diamonds are formed; that's how gilt is found. The force per unit area and heat of hard circumstances is creating inside us an eternal beauty, one that lasts far across our own years. We volition come up out "as aureate," tested, tried, and true. God knows our manner, and nosotros are only passing through. We're not meant to stay stuck in our trials and pain. He reminds us that will come out to the other side. Changed for the better, stronger, shining, beauty deepened from within, we won't ever be the aforementioned again.

For the person who somewhen walks out of the identify of bang-up suffering will be unlike than the ane who walked in. We tin be bodacious, that God's work within the states is never for damage, but to strengthen u.s., to build deeper grapheme and faith, and to bring united states of america out as "golden," leaving lasting impressions for His glory in this globe.

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Group of happy people, this too shall pass

A last reminder

Through every trial and season of suffering we meet in life, God will utilize it to make a mark in this world. The troubles nosotros walk through can bring glory to Him. He will use our lives, the joy and faith we have, in spite of our problems, to draw others to Himself, and to assist united states of america to remember that what we see around us, is not all there is. For He has more in store. And it is greater than we can ever imagine.

May His Presence surround you in the hard places you might be facing right now. May He atomic number 82 your fashion and proceed you secure, guiding your steps forrad, and roofing y'all from behind. May He assure y'all that He will see you through, every bit He works on your behalf, even behind the scenes where you can't fully see. Know beyond a doubt, that our God is faithful, and He volition plow your suffering around for good somehow, and bring you forth every bit gilt. He knows your way and he calls you past name.

Peace and grace.

Debbie McDanielis a author, pastor's wife, mom to three amazing kids (and a lot of pets). Join her each morning on Fresh Twenty-four hours Ahead's Facebook folio, for daily encouragement in living strong, free, hope-filled lives.

Observe her also on Twitter and at her web logwww.debbiemcdaniel.com.

Photograph Credit: Priscilla du Preez/Unsplash


Source: https://www.ibelieve.com/faith/this-too-shall-pass-is-not-a-bible-verse-finding-hope-in-what-god-really-says-about-our-suffering.html

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